I saw this sign the day we were walking around Chicago. It was on the left side of a door, and on the other side was a sign just like it that said:
you are strong.
I didn't get a picture, and I have been looking for one (why wouldn't there be millions of copies on the whole wide internet) but anyway.
I feel like I'm starting to get my personality back. Feeling like I don't want to just sleep all the time. Feel like I like to live here, again.
17 days until September finally starts.
Only one more week of hard work before school starts, and then things get really truly wonderful.
I think it's great how much you dig school, from what I gather in reading your posts. Something I could learn to enjoy more...and not to say I hate it - more that I would just desire to really love school. And hey, September is great...fall is always an amazing breath of fresh air for life.
Aren't you going to school for something you are really passionate about?
I think that's why I love school so much. It's the one place I feel like I'm really pursuing something I'm crazy about..
I do love art and design and, you're right, I am passionate about those things - but with working full time and having a full schedule otherwise doesn't make a lot of time for as much school as I would like. I think if I were immersed in it like you are, I would love it so much - kind of devote my whole focus. But I got promoted to the job I've always wanted, so now that has happened I only have time for 2 classes a semester for now.
Aren't you almost done at the University? Seems like you've been plugging along enjoyably steady for a while.
I have only two semesters left. We'll see what happens after that. I might take a couple SLCC classes for fun. I don't know what my dream job is.
Glad you found yours! I can't imagine working 40 hrs and going to school, so kudos to you! There is no shame in taking fewer classes when life is busy. Or taking a semester off.
There is no map of how college is supposed to get done. :)
Two semesters to the finish line!!! That's wonderful. I can see the grad party now...And you can do anything you want - dream jobs sometimes come 10 years out of college, or right out the gate. Just write a book so I can read it! THAT is a good start ;-) ha
Working on it! more to come!
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