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Monday, April 09, 2007

He holds Suiki down in the grass, and kisses her over and over to try to make up for hitting her on the back with a bat only a few minutes before, and I have to laugh. Then she squirrels away and he chases her again.
Ridiculous, like always.

Today was a much better day, simply because I woke up and went and met Lauren at Niche Cafe, which was wonderful. We talked for 2 hours, which is a lot longer than we usually do. But she fixed me, like she usually does.
Then, when I got home, there were three CD's waiting for me on the porch, and an empty house. And an empty house was never more appealing. I got a lot of homework done and listened to music.
All this running is doing me good, I think. It's been good for my back, and in general I feel stronger and feel like I sleep sounder at night. I haven't even had any bad dreams...

But I am reading too much Hamlet.
It hits me all over again. Every time.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Are you a runner? Can you read to much Hamlet? I miss you in my life, Rachel girl. Maybe you can come for a visit when John and I move to Ft. C.