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Monday, April 02, 2007

I like to drink coke with ice out of a cup. But not a glass. And not the can.
Those are my conditions, I guess.

Last night Ben showed me some music videos on youtube that had been filmed and then run backwards. They were really cool to watch, because I thought the whole time about how hard it would be to choreograph it and have it look cool. It made me think, what if we lived our lives backwards? What if we'd seen the parts before, and knew they were coming up? Would that be less stressful? Even if you had to live through them, and you knew they were going to be bad, would it make it easier knowing the outcome, and slowly becoming younger instead of older? A hopeful life, maybe. You'd start with a broken body and wind up fixed by the end of it.

Heaven. I think about Heaven, a lot.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

i don't drink soda out of the can either. or mineral water. are we shi-shi or what?