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Monday, March 25, 2013

free will

There is this setting on the game The Sims (or at least there was on an older version that I used to play) where you can turn off the Sims' free will, and they have to wait for you to give them direction.

I've been thinking about that  a lot this week, because I've been getting really tired, and sometimes I just

stand in one place, and wait for direction.

The Sims really won't protest unless they start having to go to the bathroom, or are really hungry. But I usually just stand there for a minute, trying to remember what I was doing, and then just think about absolutely nothing.

I'm always running these experiments on what times of day work best for sleep and for awake, and I turn into a robot, a little bit.
But I had a great weekend, laughing and dancing and going to the art show and church and frisbee.

You can really do new things everyday, if you want. Why would you tie yourself down with such a tight rope?

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