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Thursday, December 15, 2011

eventually, I will shut myself in a room and just write.

Today is not that day. Just a blog update.

I ended up having a Treat Yo Self day while I was trying to buy Christmas presents. I bought a new fragrance, a Nothing Bundt Cake, and a Chipotle burrito. I went to my local library and got the last couple Gilmore Girls episodes I haven't seen, some music, and a book that might be fun. Fun? Yes.

I got back in the car and felt ashamed. But I have a few more days to finish gifts. We're having very low key gift giving in our household this year. I think the most "Christmas Spirit" I've had so far comes from the Community Christmas episode when Shirley sings "Happy Birthday Jesus". Also, singing about the Lord at Starbucks is pretty cool too. I don't remember so many Christ-centered songs playing on the Holiday Mix in previous years.

And finally, as I sit here, I feel like there is something I need to get done, but there literally isn't.
I finished everything, and when I drove into this apartment complex this morning, I couldn't believe I wasn't catching the bus next Tuesday for class. It made me a little sad.

I talked to Judy for an hour, had a third cup of coffee, and then I vacuumed...
I think I need a project.
Ideas are brewing.

More to come.

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