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Thursday, February 24, 2011

If you are going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill

I walk much. I walk in the cold. I walk the dog. This is not the exercise I am used to. This is not squats, push-ups, crunches, lifting, or even really strenuous cardio.

Today I admit that being a college student is killing me right now. Or rather, being a college student who works as well. Everyday with the Spanish, and the traveling.

I am a full-time traveler. I have to plan my whole day and carry along other outfits, pack food, stash second pairs of shoes, make sure I am in the right car for the day. Catch the buses. Try not to over or under-eat. Try to drink enough water but also worry about when I will be able/allowed to go to the bathroom. Wear leggings under my pants. Live at different houses, try to remember where I am going to shower, and how to set my alarm clock.

I get just plain mad at people who don't have to do this like me.
But then I remember I signed up for it, and that I get bored when I am not doing it. But I can't wait for Spring Break.

And I wish I could get their TV to work, here, so I could turn off my brain for a minute.

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