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Monday, February 14, 2011

"Who won Best-in-Show?"
"I don't know."
"Wait a minute, you've been watching people walk their dogs for four hours? You guys are like the sophisticated rednecks watching NASCAR."

-Philip talking to my mom, with love

I think a lot of people were sad it was Valentine's day today. I don't really mind, but when I got on my bus, I could tell something was off. I said hello to my favorite bus driver who LOVES to talk so much that it usually holds up the bus, and he didn't say anything in return.

But then on the way home, I was finished with This American Life's episode/podcast called "Tough Room" and the last part was about people who cry on airplanes by accident, watching Freaky Friday or AMEX commercials. And I thought, that's funny. Must be something about the altitude. But I remembered that sometimes I do this suddenly on public transportation. Always on airplanes, because I'm leaving the midwest, but sometimes by accident I do it on the bus. And then this blind guy got on the bus, and the driver was giving him verbal instructions on where there was an open spot. And I just burst into tears, and had to hold back my sobs. And like the blind guy cared. He didn't. He put on his headphones, and I was compelled not to take my eyes off of him. When the bus would slow down, he would take off the headphones to hear if the woman who lives in the speakers would say it was his stop. And I wanted to spend the whole day with him, but I couldn't.

A lot of old single guys who came into the bank were sad too. Really nice guys with tired faces, that I had never before noticed them not being married. But you know what? They're going to keep going. It's not that big of a deal in the end.

Even Richie was married once, and he screwed that up.
And then he was hitting on 17 year old girls, and that's just not cool. Not for a strange milkman. He is one person I don't mind not seeing at 5am. But I do miss grumpy old guy.

Now I'm just rambling about old guys. Crap.

I guess they're the ones I worry about. They don't know how to take care of themselves if they don't got no woman anymore.

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