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Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Everything has a solution, don't worry," Gloria told me, in her thick Colombian accent, an hour after we closed the doors. She spent an extra hour of her personal time, because I was on the phone with operations support to help me figure out a huge problem that I had created. I think how sweet she is when we are not talking Sales. I think how this job has stretched me like taffy. I almost break, but always get folded back in. I think back to my first year of college, when everything did not have a solution. I confess to her when I used to lock myself in my room and not leave my house for two or three days out of fear. The fear is unexplainable to someone without anxiety, but I am blessed enough to have those days behind me for now.

These days, all I see is how God is providing for me. How I have bread for each day. I know I need to be a better steward. But I do know, that if I was fired suddenly or lost my job for other reasons, that God will still provide. I do not have the same crippling fears I grew up with. I know God comes through because I've watched it. I see it everyday.

In my ways, I have survived several different armies.

1 comment:

Hayden said...

Amen Rache, I really like this post. That's a cool way to think of one's self like taffy..because it's true. God is our provider!