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Monday, September 06, 2010

"I got a girl in the war, Paul, her eyes are like champagne. They sparkle, bubble over, and in the morning all you got is rain."
-Josh Ritter

One of these days I will quit drinking Theraflu to fall asleep. But the luxury of picking to fall asleep when you need to is just too tempting. And the candy flavor.
This is my last real week of Starbucks as my "job". I might sometime get normal sleep in the future.

I had a horrible dream last night that I woke up and it was my wedding day, and I didn't love the man I was marrying, and half the time I couldn't even remember his name. But he wanted me, and the wedding was paid for, so I felt like I had to go through with it. I put on the makeup and the dress, and I woke up, thankfully.

I think this comes from a fear of settling. And from my friends trying to marry me off.
But it might have been from watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding last night at Shannon's.
Could also be the cough medicine.


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