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Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'll dig a tunnel from my window to yours

Sometimes today just automatically feels better than yesterday even though nothing has changed. At all.
Well...roughly 155,000 people have died, and that many have been born (or more), the world really hasn't changed that much. The mass is the same. But then I've got a cup of coffee in my hands, and everything is so much better. The windows are open, work is over, and 6 billion people are dealing with their problems, but maybe I am one of the 1 billion people that is just waking up again and living a normal life, because I don't have that much to lose. I mean, anything could get worse, but I don't have a husband or kids to lose.
That's kind of morbid. I was just thinking, when this lady came into the bank and told me her son died, that by having nothing, I also can't get that heartbroken. I'm sorry, Lady.

I feel good, I'm kind of trying to say. The windows are down, I was trying to say.
And I sort of quit smoking (I've never been a smoker). But on Tuesday I gave Tony all the cigarettes that I compulsively buy. But I smoked a Primetime with Malinda before class. But that doesn't count.

Mostly, everyday, I just feel bad for George. I get more and more attached to him, and feel so bad at what a terrible mess I'm leaving him. And Tanya will leave. And Kristie will leave.
I pray for him.

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