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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Había una vez

I'm never really sure what's going on, and I'm just trying to handle it all in the best way I know how.
Tonight, I'm a little deaf from band practice (work + school + band practice = thursday, long and tiring) and a little sad, a little victorious, and a little separate from the reality that I'm sure every one else is dealing with while falling asleep.

One of my friends told me today that he was getting a divorce, which makes me sad. I am probably one of the most optimistic people I know about relationships. I always think that they'll work themselves out, because that is how my life has gone? There haven't been any storms that I haven't survived after months of good music and eating vegetables... what is cold is forgivable. I've never been in a long-term relationship myself, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I want so badly to believe that there is truth and love is real...

Anyways. I've been eating Asian food for a few days now, and I just feel good in general, besides being deaf tonight.
GOD DO YOU HEAR THAT? I'm alright. Stressed a little, because the job situation is never really good. But oh well. Rice noodles with seawood soup can solve crimes? And running to the New Pornographers is good for the soul? Go figure.

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