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Friday, September 27, 2013

41 hours deep

Home sick on a Friday night, with no one to get me orange Gatorade and set up my electric blanket, so I am my own knight in does that saying go? My brain is shutting down.
This internship is continuing to broaden my life experiences, and my experience with Christians from other kinds of churches. Because today I had the captain of a prayer team tell me that God would quench the fiery arrows in my life, as I was sniffling to him on the phone. 
"No one has ever said that to me," I wanted to tell him.
"Thank you," was what I really said.

And then I had a pastor from another church actually pray for me over the phone when they heard I was sick.

So this is not the way I thought I would take some down time, but here I am. 

It's not Shakespeare, but it was good enough for pen and ink today.

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