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Sunday, September 16, 2012

landlocked blues

I am so sleepy/exhausted today that I think even my soul wants to take a nap.

I like going to beaches well enough, but what I really wish I could do,

is be out on the water.

In a boat, for a really long time, with some books and a heart that is ready to heal over and forgive, and come out bright and shiny and pump blood better than ever. And I would have a lot of new blood to give to the people who are worse with wear.

Because I look around me, and all I can think about is my brothers and sisters who signed up to fight in this war with me, but they have gotten weary of fighting battles, and are stripping themselves of the armor of God.

They stand in fields, willing and ready to be wiped out by the gunfire of the enemy.

I wish I could hold them and bandage them up, and somehow give them the courage to keep going.


emmaroberts said...

You encourage me all the time, Rachel

Rachel said...

Thank you Miss Emma! You encourage me too, baby doll.