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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

office supplies

"Watching movies is so easy," Luke said, in reference to how much more work it is to read a book, or worse, to sit down to write.
But I thought that, the whole way back to the suburbs.
Watching the movie is so much easier.

Luke doesn't own a stapler, but he has moved out of his parents' home.

My car might be broken down, but I have small things like a personal stapler and a perfect cup of coffee everyday.

He might have independence, but I have 4 Australians who follow me from room to room and tell me that my hair looks nice, and could they please have a piece of my ice cream cone.

But what is happens is that these days turn into different days, and that the weather changes eventually, and that bands come out with new albums, and that your skin keeps keeping the organs inside of your body as best it can.

So you might not look like the other people here, but there are lots of people in other towns who would think you are doing a really regular or even good job at your life.

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