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Monday, September 05, 2011

Well, as I was eating raw hamburger on Saturday night, I knew that the right thing to do would be to go throw it up.

But instead, I am paying for it now. And yesterday. But it could be a lot worse.

KG stayed the night with me, and it was really nice to not be scared at all, and to have someone to talk to. I guess I am already tired of living alone, and my little-purple-house hopes are dashed.
I woke up during the night, and forgot she was there, and I thought, that is a nice surprise that you are with me.

We went up to the mountains pretty early this morning and met up with Becky L. and we had a really lovely hike up I think it is called Mineral Fork? It was beautiful, and not too hard of a hike, and part of it was hiking up water. It was the perfect temperature. It is so much easier to talk to God when you are breathing clean air. But we live our lives in the valley, so we get gas masks and try to shine lights out into the fog.

We ate at a crappy Mexican restaurant and then I accidentally collapsed into a two hour nap with Tegan and Sara's dogs, and I really liked them for that whole time. I like them more each time I come home, and there is not pee on the floor.

I am incandescently happy to have and to hold September.

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