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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Day 40

I am still glad every morning that I wake up in Iowa.

Uncle Bill came out to teach out here over the past few days, and had lunch with us (Maid Rites - they are like a sloppy joe, sort of. Mmmm) and then we went to see him speak at the church. It was really awesome to worship with the college kids out here. I looked around and told Judy, "This would never happen in Utah." About how there were so many kids going to College and Church. As in, our church. Four girls introduced themselves to us, and they were very nice. Not one single girl sat next to a single guy in the whole room of like, 100 people. It reminds me of how Colorado probably still is too. And I think it is awesome that they are killing it at the old fashioned way that our movement is kind of supposed to do dating and socializing, but I heaved a sigh of relief that we don't follow that very closely in Utah, and that we can have a room full of guys and girls who are actually friends and actually talk to each other and can ride in cars together and still stay pure somehow. :)

I am enjoying not having headaches. I don't know if I can attribute it to being here and not there, but usually May through August I have a headache every single morning I wake up. I've had maybe 5 headaches total since I've left Utah. Could be the sleep, the cleaner air, or just not having stress. If you have migraines, you know that it is such a different world to live without the pain.

God is good. I don't deserve His goodness, but I am so thankful that He chose me.


Tadd Winter said...

I agree about the guys and girls thing, Joshua Harris actually wrote a blog on his webpage and talked about some churches take it too far.

I am not saying anyone is doing it wrong, but we are brothers and sister and we should act as such, and I think hanging out together is what brothers and sisters do (or should do). Then again what do I know lol.

Glad you are having fun!

Rachel said...

I think we have a really good balance, in Utah, of hanging out in co-ed groups. Shaky for the first few years, but we sure have fun now. :)