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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christina and I booked it out of the bank ASAP, and I can't believe how underwhelmed I was on the way home. God is great, and I didn't even see any accidents. Just, after all the hype, I thought maybe there would even be no school tomorrow.

My mom made great stew ((which-- I packed some for lunch tomorrow. I'm doing better at this packing lunch thing. I am really trying to make a dent in my bad spending choices from the last month. And on another tangent inside of parentheses: I am getting very excited about saving. Not just the normal savings accounts I have in case of emergency car problems or health bills or saving for vacations, I started another savings for more long-term things, or bigger problems. It is kind of fun to watch it grow. ING Direct gives better interest than any other bank I've seen so far.)) and then all these boys were at our house who came out here to play a show (which was canceled due to weather). I think my brother was in Heaven for a few hours.

Caught up on The Walking Dead. I think about zombies so much that I almost said something out loud in class yesterday when a student was berating gun possession in America. "We'll see who's laughing when the zombies are coming for us..." Denying the existence of zombies is the hardest part of my reality, probably. Besides the time travel thing. But at least one of my professors watches as much TV as I do:
"What? You guys don't know what that show is? You don't watch very much TV. Oh...that's a good thing."
Prof. M.P.

1 comment:

Hayden said...

I too have been thinking a lot about zombies. At work, since it's a giant warehouse, I think about zombies breaking in and having lots of guns for myself available to kill them with.