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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Most of this summer (well almost three weeks) has been an experimentation of being deaf. One ear, or the other has pretty much been out of function for a long while now. I have an appreciation for deaf people now, and I'm ready to go back to normal. I find my constant "what?s" to be quite embarrassing, and consequently annoying.

This has also been my 4th experimentation of the all church camp out. I really try to like it, I mean, it is beautiful. Nature is the kind of thing that you want to be framed on your wall as you are walking towards your bathroom with working toilets, or your bedroom with a nice comfy bed...or perhaps your living room, where you sit down to watch your favorite movie. I like nature, on the other side of the window. Mostly. That's all I'm saying right now.

Am I tired of summer? I keep thinking about these picturesque snowy scenes where I take my gloves out of the glove compartment, and walk into the house to the smell of gingerbread. Maybe, I just need another few hours of sleep.

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